Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Long Dark Road to Darkmoon Faire

 I do Darkmoon Faire each month with my five main crafters at least.  Those few extra crafting points really help advance in crafting.


I'm finding the War Within's crafting system to be very different and hard to advance in.  Does it seem to you that my Alchemist could have made 45 Health potions and be sitting at 10/100 in Alchemy?  She got three juicy points by going to Darkmoon Faire this week, though, so she can do anything.

Look at these things she could make.  Some require you to destroy your hard won potions!  And one wants you to destroy via experimentation 20 Herbs.  Yikes.

Although I can craft Algari Healing Potions on the fly, note some of these require an Alchemists Lab Bench.  Back to Legion and that annoying requirement.  Yes, this likely was all put in place in Dragonflight, which I skipped.

All of that isn't even the long road of the title.  In order for my main crafters to learn Khaz Algar tradeskills, they need to go to Khaz Algar.  Your character will need to go around the city of Dalaran preparing for the city to be moved.  They will need to fight off attackers and try to get civilians to safety during the attack on the city.  When you get to the beach in Khaz Algar, you've got Nerubians to fight and citizens to help.  When you get to Dornogal, there are more Nerubians to fight, then you do some city cleanup, you bad outsider dog.

Dornogal is not a friendly city to navigate.  The trainers are spread all over, up this way, and down that way.  By the time you get to Darkmoon Faire, it's a relief.  

I've done these steps with my four campfire characters, and those have Alchemy, Tailoring/Enchanting and Blacksmithing covered.  I still need a Leatherworker, Engineer, Inscriptionist, Jewelcrafter to learn the new level of crafts, so four more times through the above so they can go to the Faire.  Next month it will be simpler.

I'm looking at these characters as being able to provide high level crafted goods for the entire Warband character list, via the Warband Bank.  As it was, I had Atherne put Health Potions for the next three in line in the Warband Bank to help them in the upcoming fights.  My Proudmoore Alchemist has been working on Dragonflight Alchemy and could provide level 70 potions for everyone.  Also, my Proudmoore Engineer can't make Thermal Anvils yet for the Blacksmithing quest at the Faire, so I just moved one into the Warband Bank for use by Proudmoore's Blacksmith.  It is so handy!

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