Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Deadmines: First Time Tanking It, Only One Death (Mine) Blah Blah Blah

 I guess the title says it all!  I've done the Stockades and Wailing Caverns with our family group.  This was my first time tanking the Deadmines, and with a PUG.

The Goblin Foundry!  Oof!  Somehow every Engineer got pulled.  It felt like it anyway.

Still we lived!

A Paladin dropped out with an "I gotta go!"   So we made it all the way through with four.

My Warrior is level 26 and everyone else was low 20s and a 17.

I think it helped me be less frustrated that everyone seemed to be pulling because in my family, it's Mages, light those fires!  Whoosh, Whoosh!

I missed my sister as a healer big time.  Good thing my character was set up to do Blackfathom Deeps and she had lots of potions in her pack.

My Warrior is really the only one of my characters who can tank that I like tanking with.  She actually can fight well and holds aggro. I just have to keep running over and grabbing it from people.  

I can see though, even among my family, when I'm the Healer everyone is nice and loves me, when I'm the tank, any problem is a problem with my Tanking.  No wonder nobody does pugs.  I'm going to continue though.  The world needs my girl.


  1. Yeah, the few times I've ever tanked, the stress levels on it were waaaay too much for me. My blood pressure doesn't need that extra stimulation, that's for sure.

    But this is also the reason why I'm nice to tanks: they can't do it all by themselves. A good DPS waits until the tank has a good hold on threat and then jumps in. Otherwise, said DPS is a smudge on the floor.

    1. You! Mr. Raider!!! You can tank a dungeon in your sleep with you have going on in raids. I'm nice to tanks too, of course. One of the reasons I play every class available is that it helps you see what each class offers in a group. I've tanked in pugs before in the "live" game with every class who could tank when the actual tank dropped out. This is my first time playing a class spec that is meant to be a tank, and going into dungeons in that role. It's way different. Honestly, though, if you can get a group that assists the tank and fights what the tank fights (still waiting for this experience lol) I think it will be fun.

  2. Yah, tanking with in a PUG can be quite annoying. A few folks want tanks to be perfect, as if each run is make or break Mythic+ run. :sigh: Most, I think, just want to get through as quickly as they can since they've done them all many times over. Kudos for taking up the role. It can be very satisfying and the game definitely needs more good tanks. It is cool to see someone tanking with a warrior. They can be amazing tanks -- definitely one I don't have the skill for.

    1. I want my tank to be perfect too. For me this means knowing the dungeon, watching everyone's mana and stopping for breaks when needed, holding aggro, know where everyone is, which shouldn't be a problems but people wander, apparently. Thinking about last night's run today, I think the Mage was someone who knows the dungeon well, and was impatient, and he turned out to be the one pulling in extras and making things harder. Protection Warrior in this version, the only one I've played that spec in, is really good. I do good damage, getting and maintaining aggro is just not hard, with the exception of those bad pullers in the group. My Bear Tanks have that timer on a threat skill, though it's built into a couple of other skills, it isn't well done. My Protection Paladin is THE WORST. I don't feel like she does any damage at all, my main complaint about her, and her aggro skills so far are minimal. I'll keep moving her forward in case something improves, but agh.


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