Monday, September 9, 2024

Hallowfall and Backtracking to the Deeps

 I made it to Hallowfall and took the obligatory "isn't it pretty" picture of the giant crystal and the very cool airships.  The area is pretty, but so far I'm not engaged in the quests given.  In theory that changes.


I could not stop thinking of the Ringing Deeps.

It was driving me nuts that I had none of the story achievements for the Ringing Deeps even though I had done every quest, and had also gone back to the surface and completed the Isle of Dorn.  There was a suggestion on a forum to try turning on trivial quests, as perhaps I'd out leveled the ones I needed.  Nothing.

As it turned out, I had simply not done a quest that I thought was a delve or dungeon, waiting to do it at a calm time for the dogs.  It's all about the dogs.

New Candle, New Hope was an instance, but not a delve at all.  Once that was complete, a whole series of quests opened up.  There was another sliding tile puzzle. and I did the first level of it easily, but couldn't get the second stage.

Luckily since it was part of a quest series you could bypass it.

Then, there was a climbing puzzle  reminiscent of one in Battle for Azeroth, without flames and a burning building and a cat.

A character named Granny Scribbles tells a series of brave kobold stories.  I think you're supposed to start feeling warm towards the kobolds, who have clearly been misunderstood.


The previously hard to find Janky has you stealing wax from bees.  Why are there always bees?

I've improved in flying out of necessity, but my landings can be rough.  I still hate that you run out of vigor (?) and just plunk down to the ground.  They should include the sound of the air going out of a balloon with that.

Soonish, back to Hallowfall to see if it lives up to its reputation.


  1. It really is all about the dogs. Or dog in my case. Can't just start something that I can't pause or drop in an instant any more. Having a dog in the house has a great deal to do with why I play more single player games now. They have Pause buttons.

  2. A dog can’t wait, so you’ve got to be ready to drop whatever you’re doing. With three dogs, you’ve no chance. Delves and Follower Dungeons are both easily interruptible, with no guilt if you have to pause or leave as you’d have if you were trying to work with others to stay alive. I can see many circumstances where it would be helpful for p,Ayer’s to be able to complete content they might otherwise need to skip altogether.

  3. Atheren, of course.


Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...