Monday, December 27, 2021

No Worries, No Level Scaling

 Atherne is having the best time on Argus. Joking.


Somehow I thought I could whip through the quests there and get, as it turns out, A Light Forged Drenai or Void Elf, not a Dwarf. Oops. 

I really disliked Legion and did not pay attention to details.

As it turns out, Atherne is whipping through stuff, as everything is 45-47 and she's 57.

Even a truly awful dungeon, Seat of the Triumvirate, I've never been in before was easy for her.  A boss and ten adds?  Poof!


Even so it was a pain.   And now I'm to fight Antorus?  I should check, maybe she doesn't have to go in there.

My reputation is now only Honored with Argus so we'll be in Blizzard's version of Hell, before they came up with Shadowlands, for a bit longer.

I feel the need to stroll through TBC's Dustwallow Marsh to cleanse my palate.


Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...