Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sojourner of the Ringing Deeps


There were 5 or six more quests after the last two I could see.  I persevered, did I not?  Yes, I did.  Look at that nice payoff.  Also, Atherne is level 80, so no doubt more goodies shall fall into her lap.

Entering Hallowfall again with Anduin was a completely different experience.  That kid dives right into things.  He still has what used to be called "A Sense of Wonder".

We fly down and meet the famed Faerin.  She was quite impressive immediately with her determination to do her duty and save her people all in a trice.

Now that we are going to confront the onrushing Nerubians, things have gotten dark pretty quickly.  Onward!

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Ho Ho Hallowfall

 The Warcraftians are in a holiday mood.  I love this.  The Thrallmark channel!