Monday, September 2, 2024

Ringing Deeps Delve: The Waterworks

 Not much time to play on Saturday (I'm ahead in my posts) so I thought to try The Waterworks Delve.  I went with Tier 2, thinking I was ready to advance.  The Delve does say you can do it at any level.

I'll say upfront that I now know I'm a Tier 1 person for Delving.  Yup, stay low as you can go, I say.

Atherne is level 75 and Ilvl 474 going in, which seemed respectable. 

I died three times to an early Elite who I didn't realize was Elite the first time around, till I'd engaged in the fight.  Always a mistake.

I calmed down and got him though, by a hair.

When I encountered another of these in a big room, I waited till he'd wandered out of the way to make my moves.  He never saw me 😀

Flame Traps in the Delve!

There was a room with more than just a pot of treasure.  I felt I earned it!

The Final Boss is Waxface.  I could smell defeat!  I took several screenshots during the fight just to show I did make progress on the guy.

Thanks to a lot of dodging and weaving and whapping, not to mention I am now a Brann's Healing Pots Addict, I got that guy down.   Yay!

Outside the Delve, there's a Mystery Box!  When opened, a messenger of the Harbinger gives a warning!  Stay out of Delves?  Pfft!  Tier One or Bust!

Brann, always a dwarf with a good attitude, sees only more treasures, and a Mystery to be solved.  That's my guy.

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