Saturday, September 21, 2024

Screenshot Saturday 9/21/24 Delves But No Dungeons


I had a bit of a posting vacation, lucky for you.  I thought a good entry back would be a Screenshot Saturday, as I have been playing a bit this last week.

I found myself at a point in the Hallowfall story that was rather overpoweringly emotional.  I don't think it was just the zone story, but an accumulation of character arcs and story beats that began in Dalaran, carried into the new world of the Isle of Dorn and the plight of the Earthen.  Ringing Deeps I think really carries the story deeper (!), with the Bronzebeards and their family saga playing out in this fantastical underground world.

I took a break, and it took me a few days to see that what was really keeping me from moving forward was that I had not completed all of the Delves and Dungeons on the Isle and in the Deeps.  I backtracked and completed all of the Delves. The Dungeons, though.  Maybe I shouldn't be reading the forums but there seem to be quite a few bits of ugliness attached to Dungeons this time around.  Maybe it's just the Heroics and Mythic+ crowd.  We will see.  I could of course just do Follower Dungeons, but they aren't as fun, not having the gnarly human elements.


Fungal Folly is an odd Delve.  Not for the Mushroom people, but because it is so freaking dark.  Additionally, it is on multiple levels, so you have to try to rescue all the little explorers before you get stuck on the wrong level.

Brann doesn't bug me as he does some others but look at his comments, zzzzz

Some of the new creatures in the War Within make me wish I had my Hunter coming through so she could see what might make a good pet.  She is currently busy doing the Dragon Isles expansion as she's level 60, and after writing all those posts about previous expansions it bugged me that I had let an entire expansion go by without playing it.  Anywho, look at the face on this Mushroom guy's mount. He's smiling!

Embarrassingly Atherne had to become a Mushroom person as part of the Delve's story.  Not a good look.  See what I mean about how dark the place is, though?

Meanwhile, back in the storybook land of Hallowfall, a gigantic tome, and a medieval type rolling book display.  I'll need the rolling display for my house.  (That surely they will add to the Game someday now that they've upped their decorating skills)

There's another nice cottage for a Mage in the storyline that would be perfect for my Fire Mage.

Semi-spoilery comment:  Why did the Mage in Hallowfall not request help from the Dalaran Mages?

Quest: Write Me A Letter

There is always the list of quest types in games, that gets very little variation  Quest (video games) - Wikipedia

I've noticed two quests in Hallowfall that I don't think fit into these categories at all:  they ask you for help writing a letter to someone they know.  You have different choices provided, so it isn't freeform, but it's an interesting new play and storytelling option.

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