Monday, October 18, 2021

Nothing to See Here

 Just me again, thinking I'll make Google feel more secure if I only post from my laptop, and I should post more frequently, then it will all be good.  

Later on a brief dungeon report. The family did a dungeon last night, yes, that flavor favorite the Deadmines.  The last time we tried, we only had four people and two were under the level of the dungeon.

Last night, everyone was at or above level, so we made it past the Goblin Foundry (a snare last time) and all the way to the end after a couple of deaths to Greenskin (I think that's his name.)  

Har! Here's the (names redacted) picture of us with Van Cleef dead. Screenies or it never happened!


  1. You're making it sound like Tirisfal Glades: "Nothing to see here, move along... Move along...."

    1. Just waiting for them to go kablooie on me again! Logged in on my desktop to write this like a fool to see if they give me the unauthorized device warning. So far so good. All my screenshots are on this desktop pc.


Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...