Wednesday, March 30, 2022

TBC Favorite Classes

 My favorite classes in The Burning Crusade Classic are a surprise to me.  

I'm not a fan of my usual favorite, Feral Druid.  Slow slow fights...zzzz.

Warlock and Mage are just ok.

The classes that shine, and that I have been leveling slowly so they could stay on level with our dungeon group are Holy Priest, Protection Warrior, and not so held back Hunter.  I've sent my Hunter ahead just to be a money maker because her fights are so quick.  

The Holy Priest is really an effective PVE fighter and can hold her own better than most.  The Protection Warrior is tough and has very little down time between fights.

Here are my Classic Priest, Hunter and Warrior with their Shadowlands counterparts.

We now have a second set of dungeoneers, with my sister tanking and brother in law healing, so I am going to move my Priest and Warrior ahead. 

I like the Priest and Warrior so much, that I activated a set on another of the Classic servers to try their hand with other people. Practice, practice, practice.

On the live servers, I gained access to Lightforged Drenai, Dark Iron Dwarf and Void Elf, and created twos Priests and a Protection Warrior to be.  I want to run those in dungeons as well, to compare how the classes play in the two versions.

Dark Iron Dwarf Prot Warrior

Lightforged Drenai Priest

Void Elf Priest


  1. When you said "slow slow fights" my first thought was "is she talking about a Ret Pally? Ret is still miserably slow, but at least better than Holy.

    1. Druid fight is slow. Maybe as she advances it will be better. Ret. Paladin…zzz. It must be gear dependent to have power. It helps to know in the future the Ret Paladin is great to play.


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 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...