Saturday, September 21, 2024

Screenshot Saturday 9/21/24 Delves But No Dungeons


I had a bit of a posting vacation, lucky for you.  I thought a good entry back would be a Screenshot Saturday, as I have been playing a bit this last week.

I found myself at a point in the Hallowfall story that was rather overpoweringly emotional.  I don't think it was just the zone story, but an accumulation of character arcs and story beats that began in Dalaran, carried into the new world of the Isle of Dorn and the plight of the Earthen.  Ringing Deeps I think really carries the story deeper (!), with the Bronzebeards and their family saga playing out in this fantastical underground world.

I took a break, and it took me a few days to see that what was really keeping me from moving forward was that I had not completed all of the Delves and Dungeons on the Isle and in the Deeps.  I backtracked and completed all of the Delves. The Dungeons, though.  Maybe I shouldn't be reading the forums but there seem to be quite a few bits of ugliness attached to Dungeons this time around.  Maybe it's just the Heroics and Mythic+ crowd.  We will see.  I could of course just do Follower Dungeons, but they aren't as fun, not having the gnarly human elements.


Fungal Folly is an odd Delve.  Not for the Mushroom people, but because it is so freaking dark.  Additionally, it is on multiple levels, so you have to try to rescue all the little explorers before you get stuck on the wrong level.

Brann doesn't bug me as he does some others but look at his comments, zzzzz

Some of the new creatures in the War Within make me wish I had my Hunter coming through so she could see what might make a good pet.  She is currently busy doing the Dragon Isles expansion as she's level 60, and after writing all those posts about previous expansions it bugged me that I had let an entire expansion go by without playing it.  Anywho, look at the face on this Mushroom guy's mount. He's smiling!

Embarrassingly Atherne had to become a Mushroom person as part of the Delve's story.  Not a good look.  See what I mean about how dark the place is, though?

Meanwhile, back in the storybook land of Hallowfall, a gigantic tome, and a medieval type rolling book display.  I'll need the rolling display for my house.  (That surely they will add to the Game someday now that they've upped their decorating skills)

There's another nice cottage for a Mage in the storyline that would be perfect for my Fire Mage.

Semi-spoilery comment:  Why did the Mage in Hallowfall not request help from the Dalaran Mages?

Quest: Write Me A Letter

There is always the list of quest types in games, that gets very little variation  Quest (video games) - Wikipedia

I've noticed two quests in Hallowfall that I don't think fit into these categories at all:  they ask you for help writing a letter to someone they know.  You have different choices provided, so it isn't freeform, but it's an interesting new play and storytelling option.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sojourner of the Ringing Deeps


There were 5 or six more quests after the last two I could see.  I persevered, did I not?  Yes, I did.  Look at that nice payoff.  Also, Atherne is level 80, so no doubt more goodies shall fall into her lap.

Entering Hallowfall again with Anduin was a completely different experience.  That kid dives right into things.  He still has what used to be called "A Sense of Wonder".

We fly down and meet the famed Faerin.  She was quite impressive immediately with her determination to do her duty and save her people all in a trice.

Now that we are going to confront the onrushing Nerubians, things have gotten dark pretty quickly.  Onward!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Still Ringing In The Deeps

 I can't believe how many quests were gated behind that one quest I hadn't done.  I've spent the evening trying to methodically finish every quest in the zone, but more and more open up.  There are some really large character arcs you wouldn't want to miss.

I was able to finish Janky's quests pretty quickly and help him open a shop.  Such a grateful guy.

Atherne continues to have some pretty smooth moves.

I think she's an honorary Bronzebeard now.

Three quests are still on my map, let's hope those are the last, because Anduin has shown up and wants to meet me at the Hallowfall gate. 

Don't make the Boy King wait, I say.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Hallowfall and Backtracking to the Deeps

 I made it to Hallowfall and took the obligatory "isn't it pretty" picture of the giant crystal and the very cool airships.  The area is pretty, but so far I'm not engaged in the quests given.  In theory that changes.


I could not stop thinking of the Ringing Deeps.

It was driving me nuts that I had none of the story achievements for the Ringing Deeps even though I had done every quest, and had also gone back to the surface and completed the Isle of Dorn.  There was a suggestion on a forum to try turning on trivial quests, as perhaps I'd out leveled the ones I needed.  Nothing.

As it turned out, I had simply not done a quest that I thought was a delve or dungeon, waiting to do it at a calm time for the dogs.  It's all about the dogs.

New Candle, New Hope was an instance, but not a delve at all.  Once that was complete, a whole series of quests opened up.  There was another sliding tile puzzle. and I did the first level of it easily, but couldn't get the second stage.

Luckily since it was part of a quest series you could bypass it.

Then, there was a climbing puzzle  reminiscent of one in Battle for Azeroth, without flames and a burning building and a cat.

A character named Granny Scribbles tells a series of brave kobold stories.  I think you're supposed to start feeling warm towards the kobolds, who have clearly been misunderstood.


The previously hard to find Janky has you stealing wax from bees.  Why are there always bees?

I've improved in flying out of necessity, but my landings can be rough.  I still hate that you run out of vigor (?) and just plunk down to the ground.  They should include the sound of the air going out of a balloon with that.

Soonish, back to Hallowfall to see if it lives up to its reputation.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

War Within To Do List 9/8/24


Do all the Delves

Grab all the Herbs

Snare all the treasures

Get those elevators working!

Go back up to the Isle of Dorn and do all quests before heading back down under, though I much prefer the underworld to the world above.

Do the dungeons.  Queue with real people because I'm a Pugger from Pugville.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Screenshot Saturday September 7, 2024

 I am trying to do every quest in the Ringing Deeps, and though I feel like I've done a ton, I have none of the three Achievement Progress goals for the area.  Too many bosses, too much candle admiration.  Also, all of those alts to move through to Darkmoon Faire.

The creatures and mini bosses in the Ringing Deeps are so cool looking, they figure here quite a bit.  Also, I keep seeing nice touches I'd like in a home of my own.

Though I scream and smash them when I see them in real life, I'm not an arachnophobe and wouldn't use the filter.   

Big Hugs!

Obstorn the Fiery

Oozemodius  Reminds me of...

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I was disappointed that the cave didn't have more worms.  Although, what first appeared to be a brain- like creature was in fact a ball of worms.

Obligatory selfie in front of a bookcase.

If I had a house, it would need an alchemy lab like this.

Where the candles are made!

I can't resist it when a game has my character's name in a book or any sort of text.

Friday, September 6, 2024

WowCast: The 20th Anniversary Celebration

The latest WowCast features Holly Longdale, Leah Hwang and Bret Cocking talking about what's in store for Wow's 20th Anniversary celebrations, and how they came up with the ideas for events and rewards.

It's about 12 minutes long. It's fun to see how the people think, who make this game we enjoy.

The details are also available for you to read at your leisure:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

New Class Options for The Dracthyr


As part of World of Warcraft's 20th Anniversary, Dracthyr will have these classes available to them:







I confess (again probably because I did not do this expansion) that I had no idea that Dracthyr have a "Visage" option so that they can look humanoid.  It sounds like the dual form available for Worgen.  I have never used a human form for my Worgen characters and I wouldn't find any appeal in it for Dracthyr either.

That said, I'd make a Hunter Dracthyr in a flash.  I'll just kill off my Dracthyr in waiting and make a new one that is a Hunter when they're available.

Read more here:

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Long Dark Road to Darkmoon Faire

 I do Darkmoon Faire each month with my five main crafters at least.  Those few extra crafting points really help advance in crafting.


I'm finding the War Within's crafting system to be very different and hard to advance in.  Does it seem to you that my Alchemist could have made 45 Health potions and be sitting at 10/100 in Alchemy?  She got three juicy points by going to Darkmoon Faire this week, though, so she can do anything.

Look at these things she could make.  Some require you to destroy your hard won potions!  And one wants you to destroy via experimentation 20 Herbs.  Yikes.

Although I can craft Algari Healing Potions on the fly, note some of these require an Alchemists Lab Bench.  Back to Legion and that annoying requirement.  Yes, this likely was all put in place in Dragonflight, which I skipped.

All of that isn't even the long road of the title.  In order for my main crafters to learn Khaz Algar tradeskills, they need to go to Khaz Algar.  Your character will need to go around the city of Dalaran preparing for the city to be moved.  They will need to fight off attackers and try to get civilians to safety during the attack on the city.  When you get to the beach in Khaz Algar, you've got Nerubians to fight and citizens to help.  When you get to Dornogal, there are more Nerubians to fight, then you do some city cleanup, you bad outsider dog.

Dornogal is not a friendly city to navigate.  The trainers are spread all over, up this way, and down that way.  By the time you get to Darkmoon Faire, it's a relief.  

I've done these steps with my four campfire characters, and those have Alchemy, Tailoring/Enchanting and Blacksmithing covered.  I still need a Leatherworker, Engineer, Inscriptionist, Jewelcrafter to learn the new level of crafts, so four more times through the above so they can go to the Faire.  Next month it will be simpler.

I'm looking at these characters as being able to provide high level crafted goods for the entire Warband character list, via the Warband Bank.  As it was, I had Atherne put Health Potions for the next three in line in the Warband Bank to help them in the upcoming fights.  My Proudmoore Alchemist has been working on Dragonflight Alchemy and could provide level 70 potions for everyone.  Also, my Proudmoore Engineer can't make Thermal Anvils yet for the Blacksmithing quest at the Faire, so I just moved one into the Warband Bank for use by Proudmoore's Blacksmith.  It is so handy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

At The Lost MInes, With The Candles and the Kobolds

Somewhere out there, there are fans of kobolds. Those rat like, candle carrying little miseries who assault you when you first enter the game in Elwynn Forest.

For sure, someone on the dev staff loves them, because kobolds have been given a lavish life under the surface of the planet.

Here are the Lost Mines, where you collect candles, kill kobolds, and admire the warm toasty underground candlelit world.

I love this guy and I could just watch him walk around the mines.

Those wily kobolds have been holding out on us even more.  In a place called The Warrens, the kobolds live in candle laden luxury.

I've taken a small break with Atherne for Darkmoon Faire and am sending in my Proudmoore Blacksmith, a Reddit poster showed you could get extra Herbalism and Mining Khaz Algar knowledge at Darkmoon.

It's true for Herbalism and also for Alchemy.  Maybe the other professions as well?  Perhaps I'll send one of each profession through to Dornogal this week.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Ringing Deeps Delve: The Waterworks

 Not much time to play on Saturday (I'm ahead in my posts) so I thought to try The Waterworks Delve.  I went with Tier 2, thinking I was ready to advance.  The Delve does say you can do it at any level.

I'll say upfront that I now know I'm a Tier 1 person for Delving.  Yup, stay low as you can go, I say.

Atherne is level 75 and Ilvl 474 going in, which seemed respectable. 

I died three times to an early Elite who I didn't realize was Elite the first time around, till I'd engaged in the fight.  Always a mistake.

I calmed down and got him though, by a hair.

When I encountered another of these in a big room, I waited till he'd wandered out of the way to make my moves.  He never saw me 😀

Flame Traps in the Delve!

There was a room with more than just a pot of treasure.  I felt I earned it!

The Final Boss is Waxface.  I could smell defeat!  I took several screenshots during the fight just to show I did make progress on the guy.

Thanks to a lot of dodging and weaving and whapping, not to mention I am now a Brann's Healing Pots Addict, I got that guy down.   Yay!

Outside the Delve, there's a Mystery Box!  When opened, a messenger of the Harbinger gives a warning!  Stay out of Delves?  Pfft!  Tier One or Bust!

Brann, always a dwarf with a good attitude, sees only more treasures, and a Mystery to be solved.  That's my guy.

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...