Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Welcome to Atheren's Azeroth!

 This blog is just about how I play the game of World of Warcraft.  Not a power player, more than casual.

Remember it's an adventure diary, not a treatise!

I am also missing my nice blogger snippet sidebar.  Sidebar greed is real!  I can always use Inventory Full's expansive list (and I will steal from him, because who wouldn't?).  I would like though, when I click through to read someone's posts, for them to know I read and enjoyed what they had to say.

That aside, I'm currently playing characters on three realms, Earthen Ring, Blackwater Raiders, and Proudmoore.

It's honestly like putting together some sort of puzzle.

Who should go to what era on each server?

If I'm trying to eventually get all the achievements I've missed along the way as a goal (I am), how can I do that methodically?

Why do I keep creating new Kul Tirans with floaty blonde hair?  I can't stop!

You'll get to know my characters, and almost certainly love them as much as I do.

For Azeroth! For the Alliance!

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