Friday, February 12, 2021

Azerothian Adventuring 2/12/21

Ely has finished Bastion, yay!  She's done every quest available in the intro area quests except for three kill quests for Elites.

Before she leaves for Maldraxxus and everyone's favorite place "The Theater of Pain", I'll run her through the Necrotic Wake Dungeon to complete the quest there.


Next up is Mel, my main Retribution Paladin.  She's also a Blacksmith and Miner.  She's got as far as the memories of Lysonia quests.  I had to move my screenshots out of the Wow folder today, since they'd gotten unwieldy and I couldn't find anything anymore.  Action shots of glorious Mel next time.

The thrills of her day were handling memories and bad guys easily, finding a Laestrite Key while fishing, also some nice Silvergill Pikes (yum).  She scrabbled for enough ore for a nice pair of sabatons which Ely enchanted and sent back.  Puzzle pieces, nicely fitting together.

Ore is so hotly contested.  If you a see a node pop up, you have to move on it fast, and you'll still be the second one getting it.

How will she equip herself, a DK and a Demon Hunter at this rate?

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