Thursday, February 11, 2021

Blah, Blah, The Maw

 I haven't even been through all of Shadowlands, but I have Don't Shake Hands With Cyrus Syndrome already. 

 This refers to the beginning of Battle for Azeroth where you meet Cyrus the Dockmaster and as soon as you shake his hand, he launches into this long irrelevant tale that you can't click past for love or money.  You can however go run some errands and he keeps babbling.

In the Shadowlands intro, first you have the torturous crawl to set the pieces of the Helmet of Domination in place while Bolvar goes on and on and on.


Then, there is another long odd speech by Jaina at the Forlorn Respite describing the Maw, the Jailer and Sylvanas.  Unlike the Cyrus speech, you can't just kick start it and go get a snack. Nooo. She pauses periodically and you have to click on her to jump start the speech again.


Even once out of the Maw, the Oribos Overseers have long speeches you have to listen to, though you can get past the included cutscenes.


What is the thinking here?  Is this because "nobody reads Quest Text?"  You have this information dump about the new area...but how to get the information out there.

Oof, I hope they find another way.

These screenshots are courtesy of my Silverhand Hunter, the 16th character, in "retail" I've sent through the Maw.

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