Thursday, May 6, 2021

If You Think You Should Kill Off And Restart A Character At 2 Am, Do It

 I could be considering worse things in the middle of the night.  Ever since Burning Crusade Classic was announced, I've been thinking I should try to level my Classic characters.

Going back in and trying to re-learn it all, yikes.

Then I thought, kill off Hunter Atheren and make a new Atheren as a Feral Druid.  So easy, and it made me happy to play that character immediately.

They're ready to launch the Burning Crusade Classic version soon, it appears, as this big honker popped up at login.

I got Ath to level 3 in a trice, so if I work on her and re-learn the rules of Classic as I go, I should get her back to at least the level 15 she was as a Hunter.

Would almost like to kill off my Affliction Warlock, but I have to find a way to make her a Destruction Warlock so I can stand to play her.  Bleh. 

Fire Mage, incoming.

I think everyone else is ok.

We'll see how this works. If I can choose BC for all of my Classic characters even though they're not at max, I'll do it.  

Here. We. Go.

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