Sunday, May 9, 2021

Just Another Day in the Barrow

 I've been trying for several days to finish the Relics of Awakening in Classic with Atheren.  Death death death.  Luckily there are lots of people playing this weekend and a few people were around.

One guy, fighting away randomly nearby all of a sudden says "Tribal Pants"?  I replied "Say What?"

Apparently these are a set of leggings I'm supposed to know from the name.  However, my ace Leatherworker made me the nice furry leggings with an armor value of 46 worn by Ath. So I asked if the Tribals were more than that and he said nothing.  Maybe they're super uber things...

Wait, nope, I didn't turn down anything that was too much.  Nice of him to offer, of course.

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