Saturday, March 20, 2021

Maldraxxus or Bust


 I keep thinking I should wait till all my Blackwater Raiders characters have moved on to Maldraxxus from Bastion, so I don't write anything.

Nine of the twelve are all set up in Maldraxxus, with three about halfway through Bastion.  The last three are my Priest, Shaman and Monk.

The only class I've found to be challenging to play is my Rogue (Assassin).  She has such tough fights.  I haven't had any problems playing that character in ages.

The Frost DK was a little fuzzy too until I changed her talents and rotations to match my Proudmoore DK. 

The strongest characters are my Destruction Warlock, Fire Mage, Feral Druid, Retribution Paladin, and my Windwalker Monk. 

All the crafting characters go through first.

I bounce to other characters and servers so I don't go buggy with repetition between leveling these.

At first I had a grand plan to play various time eras with sets of characters elsewhere.  Now, however, I find I like so much having all of my characters working together, in the same era, particularly in the current era.  So I've moved all of my Proudmoore and Earthen Ring characters to Boralus, and I'll level them to 50, then off to the Shadowlands they go.

Except for a level 17 Warrior on Proudmoore I leveled to 35 in a couple of days just doing classic dungeons, I'm doing no dungeons.  

Leveling is too fast already, I can't afford to zoom anyone along any faster.  We'll see if I crack later.

Going through my head all the time is which characters to send to what Covenants.  I have to have at least one in each, as they said at see the stories play out in each one.

I confess by now I'm curious to see how the Forsworn are taken down or re-instated to the Purpose. I'm now fond of a few characters in Bastion. Dunno.

Blah blah, that's all I got.  Pictures next time.

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