Saturday, March 27, 2021

Meraine Conquers Maldraxxus (sort of)

 This Priest was actually the first character I created on Blackwater Raiders, and she was meant to be the main character there.

That didn't happen, but thanks to my decision to keep all my characters together way back in BFA, she was second to last to finish Bastion, but she has forged ahead of everyone else in Maldraxxus.

Easy peasy victory in the Theater Of Pain (where it turns out your character is invulnerable).

Not much trouble in The Iron Trench.

Got her newly forged weapon in a trice.   So fierce.

I like her zone and class abilities here, better than Bastion.  I had thought she was thematically a good fit for Bastion, but maybe she truly does have a warrior within.

One of the exciting things about being in a new area is, new meaty meats for cooking (Creeping Crawler Meat, yum), and I was hoping for the Bonefish for a recipe earned in cooking while in Bastion, but no Bonefish there.  This joint is full of bones.  Naturally I tried the first thing that looked like a watery pool (though green and slimy).  No fishable water in that slime.  Boo hoo!

There is also a new metal to be found: Oxxein Ore.  Prospectors R Us.

I still love the skellies in green flesh suits here in Maldraxxus.  So does Meraine, as it turns out.

I'm liking she can handle everything she comes across.  She even handled an elite bug called Pesticide all on her own, and was disappointed to see the reward was a 128 Mail head piece. Waahhh. Why couldn't it have been something dropping for your character's class?

Korrim the Weasel below.  Blah blah blah he said as he was dying.  Go go go!

She is stopping at Plague Watch, and everyone else will move along to that spot.  Konga line play ftw.

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