Monday, March 29, 2021

Maldraxxus: On The Hunt


My Hunter was the next to work her way through the initial quests of Maldraxxus.  She's got Skinning and Herbalism.

Her glamour shot.

 Tell me a story, Primus.

Cool remnant battle. What is that ray gun like effect coming from her weapon?

I've got more than the usual desire to collect pets, so I've been checking creatures as they're encountered.

Right away there's this cool skeletal dog called a Darkhound Hunter.  Agh!  "You can't tame Undead".

First it was the Mechanicals in Elwynn.

Then some Feathermane type beast in Bastion.  Apparently you had to get this in Legion as you worked through your Order quests!


Here's the thing with Legion.  You have to start it at low level or you blast right through it.  I had another Hunter who was working in Legion at level 106 before the squish.  She got squished to level 42, right.  Despite this, in order to get Legion dungeon queues, she had to go to Chromie to pick Legion as her time period.  How maddening that the game doesn't realize where you actually are in the world doing your quests.  In any case, she barely made progress on her Order Hall when she leveled past the area and off to Shadowlands.

I've set a low level Hunter on Blackwater Raiders to go to Legion and try to get the needed pet tomes.  Hope it works! 

There has to be some mechanism to slow things down so you can actually complete  the content for the eras you want to work in.

I really enjoyed Not All Hunters run through the various expansions.

I'm running characters through various areas of content, including just the classic starter areas.  I did not realize your progress slows to a stop at level 30 and you have to pick an expansion to play. Why?  I assumed you could, if you wanted to, just play through the game, including "the old world" any way you wanted.  That should be looked at.  It's false freedom if you can't play through the game anyway you'd like.

Back to my level 56 Hunter in Maldraxxus.

Cool undead dogs aside, you can tame quite a few things.  Ashen Wasps.  Virulent Pests (ugly bugs, but they do come in a variety of colors and patterns).

I tamed a Galescreamer Pup which was immediately renamed a Chimaera.  Why the rename?  This happened as well with a larger version, the Ravenous Galescreamer.  Of course the larger one immediately shrunk.  I wish they wouldn't do that either.

My Hunter went right over to fight Pestilence, that elite bug with the nice helmet drop.  So, my Cloth wearing Priest gets the helmet she can't use and it's Item Level 128.  My Mail wearing Hunter gets it, and it is Item Level 116.  Stink stank stunk.  Very frustrating!

The Hunter found no fish in this area of Maldraxxus either.  She did pick up Marrowroot as a new herb, and lots of leather bits from those leathery Virulent Pests.  How do they choose what creatures drop what?

Speaking of Pets, whenever I drop back to my early level characters I have them doing Pet Battles, but I'm a long way from taming anything high level.  Just think, this Maggot could be mine!

I've run into two small creatures that aren't Battle Pets that are just adorable.  Why couldn't they be Battle pets?

Run, tiny bird, run.   He's like a little Road Runner.

This Larion Cub! Look at that face!

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