Monday, September 6, 2021

Retro Reads


I continue to play on the Burning Crusade Classic version of World of Warcraft.  It's just a more interesting game than anything I've played in a long time.  I often find myself thinking it's a better game than the modern version.

There I was this evening, reading blog entries from my sidebar, and I noticed Priest With A Cause talks on her sidebar about trawling through the archives.  So I time traveled back to 2009 where the blog began and was fascinated by the posts on the new Dungeon Finder which came in with Wrath of the Lich King.

Then I hopped over to a couple of other blogs and went back to their beginnings.  Tome of the Ancient ponders the incoming Cataclysm.  Blessing of Kings advocates for Paladins.  Parallel Context is completely For The Horde.  Not All Hunters considers his favorite things about the Hunter Class as well as its challenges. 

I'll be doing a lot more reading, but it seems as if many blogs began in the Wrath of the Lich King era.  Interesting.  Some blogs don't present their archives, which is a shame.  

I am of course most curious about the Classic and Burning Crusade eras, since that's the material we're working through.  All I have to do is read through blog rolls for inactive but archived blogs.  



  1. You actually read some of those early posts?


    I occasionally look at those and.... cringe. Boy, was my writing poor.

    1. I did! Right back to the beginning. It’s such fun. You and everyone else had such a conversational tone, something I always find appealing. You should try it! I was bouncing around once I had had the idea of it, but I will definitely be doing more delving into the past. Thanks for keeping your blog going and for continuing to be most interesting and entertaining.

    2. Yes, conversational indeed. That was the style I had in place on my Livejournal page back in the day, and so I transitioned straight into that when Soul and I started PC. My style has definitely matured a bit over the years, but I chalk that up to the experience of blogging for over a decade.

  2. In hindsight, there felt like a change of bloggers between BC & Wrath. As if the first age of Wow enthusiasts gave way to the second age of more widespread interest in the game. I remember reading blogs, such as Ego's about being a priest, or Big Red Kitty's hunter blog, but those seemed to run out of steam as Wrath rolled up and the datamining sites started to get more popular.

    Maybe I'm just not seeing things clearly with the rose glasses of nostalgia. Real life intrudes and hobby passions can fade. It is interesting to go back and see people's views about the game and the times. It certainly shows that the current version of the older game is played quite differently than how people approached things in the past.

    1. Our guild's Hunter lead still reminisces about Big Red Kitty, and she and her original version of her wolf, "Grr", is in the YouTube "thanks" video to Big Red Kitty.

      Even then, the rise of data mining only helps with some aspects of the game, but they don't teach you actually how to play your class. Hence the utility of sites like Big Red Kitty's.

    2. Once I started playing Wow regularly, it took awhile before I found game bloggers for Wow, and when I did it was because I was looking for class specific tips. The three I liked best were Blessing of Kings, The Pink Pigtail Inn, and Restokin. Mostly I read the late, lamented Wow Insider which was so great, and it did also offer class guides. I don't recall Big Red Kitty, and checked to see if the blog was still floating out there. Nope. But an unexpectedly hearty post by Coffee Cakes and Crits on Big Red Kitty (Coffee, why aren't your archives out there?)

      Regarding rose colored glasses, see you can see some of that when Redbeard or Shintar or even AGN write about Classic and TBC, but again, I did not play this version of the game, and it's all new. My husband and I both love it. My sister and her family too, though not as much.


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