Monday, September 13, 2021

My First Holy Priest Deadmines Run, TBC

 My family has not worked together at all, so my desire to run through the Deadmines with them has been thwarted.

Girding my virtual loins, I saw a group forming while in Westfall with another character, and asked if my level 20 Holy Priest could join.  Yes, indeed.

I'm so proud. I've never played a Holy Priest spec at all, only Discipline and Shadow.  I had her prepped with the best armor and potions I could send her in with. 

No wipes. No deaths.  It was smooth!  Onwards.


  1. Woot! That's just awesome!!

    It warms the heart that people can still get Deadmines runs going.

  2. Thank you, thank you! Deadmines runs are still out there. You see the Stockades getting groups too. Not much beyond that. I want to keep going, so I may have to call out and ask for a group myself. Eek.

  3. We are on Bloodsail Buccaneers server. Still Locked out of this account as Atheren. Usually takes three weeks then all of a sudden Google knows me again. When I get back in I'm giving this old email acct. admin. Poof!


Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...