Saturday, August 7, 2021

Screenshot Saturday August 7, 2021

 I'm only playing TBC these days, so don't hope for any shots of my characters finally dropping into the Maw to finish Maldraxxus.  Not for a long while is my guess.

The Burning Crusade Classic is a freaking TREASURE CHEST.  There is treasure everywhere.  From the chests you find, to getting cool armor or weapon drops, or just sauntering along the coastline near Auberdine and finding crates of food or barrels of milk.

Fishing!  All of the fish themselves are fun, plus, when used in a recipe, their useful stats seem to double.  I love fishing in game.  There are those floating debris with goodies.

I'm moving my rogue forward and am working on Lockpicking.  I managed to get her to Lockpicking 90 at Alther's Mill. Then no more xp for it.  You can see she got bored.

While working on cooking for another character, I had to go to Silverwind Refuge near Astranaar for the Expert Cooking Book.  Bonus round!  The Water Elementals there drop Bubbling Water which gives 874 mana.  In stacks of 20, if you can believe it, instead of the torturous stacks of 5 everything else comes in.  Useable for Level 15. Perfect for Dungeon Runs, right? I've got four stacks :)

  Also as you see, there were Alchemy recipes, of the type that only appear sometimes.  I lurked and got them all.  Now I'm going to find all the juicy recipe locations and send my Feral Cat (Level 30, Not Atheren) around to get them.


The same cat came across a wandering Ghoul in Westfall, and he had a nice two handed sword  called Ghoulfang.

Spot the cat in travel form among the golden grasses of Westfall.

Only my spouse will know the reference as I tag this next picture "up pops the devil, hardy hi"!

Speaking of...we've been working in Stranglethorn.  We use open mic and while it's a good communication device for coordinating in game, if someone (not me) is crabby, shall we say, well things go awry.  That's him in the grass.

This has led us to work solo for a bit, and while I can take a level 38 Tigress with my level 34 Retribution Paladin, it's not workable.  I'll have to gain levels somewhere else.

I also found you can't outrun piles of crocs and panthers, nope, you're going down.

In any case, I'm pleased with my main Druid, and leave her to sleep somewhere nice whenever I can.


  1. You stinker!

    I had no idea you'd started another blog!

  2. Hi there! Ya, I started it awhile ago. Once I dropped down to just playing Wow, I wanted one specifically for it. I also like the blogger blog roll better so that was a lure. I have trouble putting into words how much I like the TBC version of the game, so I don’t post as often as I could. Thanks for stopping by!


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