Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Are You Sure?

 Before the Internet went out this morning I managed to get Atheren into Burning Crusade Classic.  There are multiple confirmations that you want to play The Burning Crusade version, and I can't imagine anyone "accidentally choosing the wrong mode.

At login

 Choose Burning Crusade Classic above then confirm again here.

Confirm by Character (will need to do for each one) on Character Screen

Type in Your Character's Name in the box to give final confirmation you want this character in The Burning Crusade Classic.

Foolproof, Right?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Check Is In The Mail...Oh, Wait!

I want to say that I went through and checked every character's mail and collected it yesterday.  The whole "splitting of the versions" thing seemed way too dicey to leave anything in transit.  So. Wise.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

An All New Plan, An Even Better Plan, Part 5

 So, everyone moves to The Burning Crusade era. Nobody is boosted.

Somehow (considerable whining and weaseling) I now have my bestie Mr Big in the game, and my sister and brother in law. 

Huge change to have people to play along with, and to craft for.  I'm in crafter's/gatherers heaven.   Backed by my spouse who never saw a node he didn't want to track down.

This is Paladin 2 with Mr. Big.    I'm making her a Protection Paladin to try out tanking and stanking from the bottom up.  I killed off my Priest and this girl got the spot.

Atheren finally did her Class level ten Druid Quest.  Not bad at all.

She's the captain of her own ship.

We've played a lot today.  Zoned. Out.  Have a good pre-patch day!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Just Another Day in the Barrow

 I've been trying for several days to finish the Relics of Awakening in Classic with Atheren.  Death death death.  Luckily there are lots of people playing this weekend and a few people were around.

One guy, fighting away randomly nearby all of a sudden says "Tribal Pants"?  I replied "Say What?"

Apparently these are a set of leggings I'm supposed to know from the name.  However, my ace Leatherworker made me the nice furry leggings with an armor value of 46 worn by Ath. So I asked if the Tribals were more than that and he said nothing.  Maybe they're super uber things...

Wait, nope, I didn't turn down anything that was too much.  Nice of him to offer, of course.

Nothing To See Here


Pop Goes The Weasel (aka Affliction Warlock)

 I'm never listening to anyone again saying you have to play your character this way.

Poof Affliction Talents

Welcome Destruction Talents

Die die die with ease all bad guys. That's what I'm talking about.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Atheren the Druid At Level 10

 Currently in Moonglade getting her first Druid quest.  I am not a fan of this sequence.  She'll be ready to go onward on the 18th.


My single character who was in a guild, I took out. There were three people online, but the leaders hadn't been on in a year, so they're obviously not getting ready for The Burning Crusade Classic version.  It is vaguely possible they are, but are doing all the talking in Discord, rather than logging in their characters to show everyone they plan to be active.

For a game version where everyone is so set on no changes from the original, doing all of the guild management and conversation outside the game seems, as always, contradictory.

My characters on Bloodsail aren't so bad off level wise, really.  If I'd played a single character instead of 10, we might imagine I'd have a 60.  Not my way.  Collect them all.

Warlock 30

Atheren Feral Druid 10

Paladin 27

Hunter 17

Druid 24

Rogue 13

Warrior 20

Mage 14

Druid 10

Priest 12

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Just That Fast..June First, the Portal Opens!

 I'm glad I made the change with Atheren.  Going Burning Crusade all the way for my characters on Blacksail Buccaneers, yo ho.

Getting the Dark Portal Pass for Atheren.

If You Think You Should Kill Off And Restart A Character At 2 Am, Do It

 I could be considering worse things in the middle of the night.  Ever since Burning Crusade Classic was announced, I've been thinking I should try to level my Classic characters.

Going back in and trying to re-learn it all, yikes.

Then I thought, kill off Hunter Atheren and make a new Atheren as a Feral Druid.  So easy, and it made me happy to play that character immediately.

They're ready to launch the Burning Crusade Classic version soon, it appears, as this big honker popped up at login.

I got Ath to level 3 in a trice, so if I work on her and re-learn the rules of Classic as I go, I should get her back to at least the level 15 she was as a Hunter.

Would almost like to kill off my Affliction Warlock, but I have to find a way to make her a Destruction Warlock so I can stand to play her.  Bleh. 

Fire Mage, incoming.

I think everyone else is ok.

We'll see how this works. If I can choose BC for all of my Classic characters even though they're not at max, I'll do it.  

Here. We. Go.

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...