Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Pleasant Evening In Burning Crusade's Azeroth

 My Warlock is level 34 after this evening's adventures.  I keep reading about others who are "re-living the experience" of Classic and The Burning Crusade, but none of us ever experienced this game this way.


Everything is useful or it makes you precious silver when you sell it.

My Warlock has been trying to clear her quest log.

She finished up a quest in the Arathi Highlands at Northfold manner, but couldn't get to the Whitebark tribesmen for the next quest.

Somewhere recently I thought I saw that there was a ship to Theramore at Menethil Harbor.  I nver have checked to see where the other boat went because I was busy getting from here to there.

Not only did it go to Theramore, but I could do the quests there.  I do recall Theramore and Duskwallow Marsh from my early days.  I really like the place.

I also needed to get to Ratchet for two Warlock quests long in my quest log.  After checking the route (righto, just travel along the shoreline north from Theramore to Ratchet), I started riding along the shore.

It went well at first, then there were Defias 4 levels over my head, then Murlocs also over my head.  Since my husband swam all the way to Ratchet  (or someplace) from somewhere or other to get fishing training, I hopped in the water. How nice is the "Unending Breath" Warlocks have for just such an adventure?  It's actually 10 minutes, but is easily refresh-able.

By the time there was anything aggressive in the water, the mobs were much lower level than my girl.

All along the way, there were pools of Oily Blackmouth galore, and bits of fishing debris with Light Rumsey Rum and cases with treasure.  I got nearly 40 Oily Blackmouth, and advanced my fishing skills immensely.

It was so relaxing, with the ambient music, and the lapping of the waves.  I could have fished all night!

When I finally arrived in Ratchet, the two NPCs there with quests asked me to go to Ironforge for one, and a choice of Darkshore and Duskwood with the other.  Sheesh.

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