Sunday, July 11, 2021

Baby's First Dungeon: Wailing Caverns


We're really enjoying The Burning Crusade, Classic.

It's more challenging and immersive than the current day game, which I haven't been playing at all.  I don't think any of us have.

We're kind of gliding along.  Leveling.  La la la.

Just need my son to level his tank and we can start dungeons.

However.  Who knew you can do a Who search by level on your server to see what classes are online that could fill your dungeon group?  (My son says he saw a streamer do it.)

That would explain how my Resto Druid in the making got a tell while finishing up her day to TANK the Wailing Caverns! I said no, she's Resto.  Actually offered my level 21 Warrior, but no taunt.  In retrospect should have offered my level 30 Ret Paladin.  Didn't occur to me.

Somehow, poor Atheren ended up tanking the Wailing Caverns for four hours.  We did finish.  Lots of deaths. All red armor.

The key was a super patient and super nice group of people with the Paladin who led us and healed us being an awesome leader.

Tanking As a Bear

I've ended up in pugs tanking with every class that could tank, over the years.  Can't hold aggro worth sheet.

In this case, holding aggro was, I felt, the only thing I could do well.  Except, there's a ten second cooldown between hitting mobs with your taunt, which means you have to wait it out while a group attacks.

Swipe is the only skill that looked like it did any damage.  She's level 19 going in, remember.  Swipe hardly ever pops up so there's Maul...

No skills, no prep to tank, in any way.  How did we make it through?

Even worse, I'm not the only unprepared one, I gave all my mana milk to the Paladin who had none.  So mana issues for him, quite a bit.  Wish I had Innervate!

Wish I'd been level 20 and had Rebirth!  Agh!

I've been working with my husband's Mage quite a bit lately, and the mana users love love love his endless supply of mana and foods.   I can see now why everyone wants a Mage in their group. 

The Hunter's Gun broke then he ran out of ammo.  Lesson: bring a spare weapon and an extra load of ammo.

Load up on potions and mana drinks!

I keep going over the whole thing in my head.  Obviously one of the things I'm doing is assessing what I could have done differently.  Start with saying no to Tanking with a character you haven't built as a tank!!!

Stuff happens, however, so just in case, have a go bag with all the things noted above, plus those Maple Seeds needed for Rebirth.

Beware of Druids of the Fang who are stuck in the ground.


In summation: No more tanking for Bear Atheren, soon to be Feral Cat Atheren, anyway.  Unless its a family group.  Our family, that is.

I'm thinking more requests could come for my unsuspecting characters just because most people are in the Outlands, except people with alts, or those returning to The Burning Crusade era that they really enjoyed.  Unless word gets around, lol lol lol.

I do feel bad for people trying to get groups together for the Classic dungeons.  Still.  Four hours in a Wailing Caverns that has little resemblance to the Wailing Caverns I've been through dozens of times.

Won't be getting over this soon.  Thanks for listening.

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