Friday, November 1, 2024

Atheren's World of Warcraft Goals for November 2024

 My October goals were met and surpassed.  I sent my main character, Atherne the Druid through every area, did every quest, got every exploration, did all the delves and dungeons.

I now have 6 level 80s.  I'm using the camp fire group to select the set of characters I level, and work left to right.

In the first group I had two Feral Druids with Alchemy, one Retribution Paladin with Blacksmithing/ Mining, and a Fire Mage with Tailoring and Enchanting.  Once they were at level 80 and had completed all quests and delves and quest related dungeons on the Isle of Dorn, off to the Ringing Deeps.  I also start working on their Tradeskills in earnest at level 80.  Having two alchemists to provide Health potions for my other characters in the Warband bank has been great.  

The second set of characters are a Rogue with Leatherworking and Skinning, a Destruction Warlock with Inscription and Herbalism, an Arms Warrior with Engineering and Mining, and a Holy Priest with Jewelcrafting and Mining.

I'm really enjoying the leveling process, picking characters to be my next group.  This group is all Blackwater Raiders characters because they were the highest level crafters for their particular skillset.  For the next round I'll be having a mix of classes from the Guild Realms (Blackwater Raiders, Earthen Ring, Proudmoore) to try out all the classes on the new content.   

I used to have leveling characters "prove themselves" by sending them into dungeons, but the meter of success is now Delves, to see how they fare in them.  

November goals are easy:

Continue leveling characters.

Work on Tradeskills.

Move all level 80 characters through each area: Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-kahet doing all content in each.  

Work on gearing up.

I almost forgot I was able to create an Earthen character. She's a Retribution Paladin, who I cleverly sent to the Earthen Ring Server. Home Sweet Home, right?

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