Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sidebar Shuffle

 I've added to the sidebar lots of blogs I enjoy.  I of course stole the list from Inventory Full's mega list.  In truth I currently only read the blogs that feature World of Warcraft, particularly the Classic version.  I could branch out at any time.

Bonus points if you recognize where Atheren the Feral Druid, Wrath Classic's Main character, is dozing in this screenshot.


  1. That's the aurora in the sky, so Northrend. I'm inclined to say Zul'Drak

  2. You win! I thought the red tattered banners might be too much of a giveaway, but I’m running my fourth character through the area and might know it a little too well. It’s the charming “inn” at the Argent Strand. The quests out of there and Zimtorga may be my favorites in the game.

  3. Goofy blogger still makes me anonymous on my own blog. Atheren


Atheren's Adventures

 Shouldn't have killed off my old Atheren's Adventures blog.  After I did, someone claimed the name and URL afterwards (weirdos).   ...