Friday, July 28, 2023

Atheren's Adventures

 Shouldn't have killed off my old Atheren's Adventures blog.  After I did, someone claimed the name and URL afterwards (weirdos).   Looking through my old game notes, the blog name kept coming up.  I liked the name.  I wanted it back.  The weirdo may be gone.  But this one's here to say.

It appears I can easily change the name of this blog to Atheren's Adventures and not changing the url means the extremely high volume of traffic this blog gets won't be interrupted by a minor header change.

Welcome back, adventurers.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sidebar Shuffle

 I've added to the sidebar lots of blogs I enjoy.  I of course stole the list from Inventory Full's mega list.  In truth I currently only read the blogs that feature World of Warcraft, particularly the Classic version.  I could branch out at any time.

Bonus points if you recognize where Atheren the Feral Druid, Wrath Classic's Main character, is dozing in this screenshot.

Dreamboats of Azeroth!

 Whoever is doing the social media for World of Warcraft these days has a great sense of fun, and dare I say likely loves the game. Teen dre...