Thursday, June 2, 2022

World of Warcraft Goals for June 2022

 Let's start with the easy peasy group of Blackwater Raiders characters continuing (or back to) conga-lining their way through Shadowlands.

I've changed from just having everyone doing a particular set of quests to moving everyone up a level at a time.  Currently it's level 58.  Once you done particular quests several times, some of them you don't mind, others are dreaded.  I'm going to make a list of the not bad Ardenweald quests and the ones I can't stand but have to do anyway.

On the plus side, I no longer out and out hate Ardenweald.  

In the much more fun department, Burning Crusade Classic.

My goal for June is to get my main Alchemist and my main Tailor to the Outlands.  They've both been stuck at 300 in their tradeskills forever.  I REALLY need to be able to make those sixteen slot bags.

While my husband is the best gatherer in any game you ever saw, it doesn't seem fair to him to make him go around gathering Briarthorn with his level 68 guy.

This is so unusual for me not to have those two characters way ahead of everyone else, it's a habit I have because what they can make and share is so valuable.

The other two characters I'm pushing forward are my Protection Warrior and my Holy Priest.

As I'm sure I've said, before playing Classic I never ever played a Healer or Tank character.  My "hybrid" types who could tank or heal have been called into play when Healers or Tanks dropped out out dungeon groups.

I've been bravely pugging it with these two recently.  My Priest does super well. I'm getting more confident with her.

My Tank is also doing well, but the last two dungeons she tanked, I could see people wanted her to go faster.  I'm happy being cautious so nobody dies, but I have to respect maybe I'm too cautious after all.  I'll work on my Draggy Tank skills.

And that was all an excuse to use this old cartoon I did.   Oooh maybe I could do a new cartoon about the Tank who was a Slow Weasel.


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe he never meant to be a Draggy Tank. Maybe he was driven to it by twitchy DPS.

    2. It is a natural twitch, we do not mean anything by it


Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...