Thursday, February 17, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Wrath Dreaming


Ha. As I finally have a character (Hunter) within a level of entering the Dark Portal, and questing and getting loads of gold, I find myself dreamily thinking of Wrath of the Lich King.

So many quality of life changes.  The only ones I don't see that are on my perennial list of "I wish they were here in TBC" are more mailboxes and flight paths.

I also really find the Horde domination of Kalimdor to be sooo annoying.  That horde camp for instance that stretches (or seems to) most of the way through the center of Feralas. Even worse, I had a level 37 character trying to make the ride through Feralas to Thousand Needles, and avoiding the camp left my character at the mercy of a wolf several levels higher.  Insult to injury, when you die you're in the freakish middle of the Horde Camp, so you have no choice but to go back to your body.  Grrr. Grr!

So, it is revealed that the Horde used to "own" Kalimdor, and it was given back to them in Battle For Azeroth.  See, I was so used to all of the Alliance quests and outposts from "the future" that it has been a shock seeing hardly anything there in these old world areas.   It's empty space for the Alliance with the added pain in the (someplace) of Horde outposts every two blasted feet.

Thanks for listening.

Here I found a delightful list of all of the things to do in game when Wrath comes out, whenever.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Deadmines: First Time Tanking It, Only One Death (Mine) Blah Blah Blah

 I guess the title says it all!  I've done the Stockades and Wailing Caverns with our family group.  This was my first time tanking the Deadmines, and with a PUG.

The Goblin Foundry!  Oof!  Somehow every Engineer got pulled.  It felt like it anyway.

Still we lived!

A Paladin dropped out with an "I gotta go!"   So we made it all the way through with four.

My Warrior is level 26 and everyone else was low 20s and a 17.

I think it helped me be less frustrated that everyone seemed to be pulling because in my family, it's Mages, light those fires!  Whoosh, Whoosh!

I missed my sister as a healer big time.  Good thing my character was set up to do Blackfathom Deeps and she had lots of potions in her pack.

My Warrior is really the only one of my characters who can tank that I like tanking with.  She actually can fight well and holds aggro. I just have to keep running over and grabbing it from people.  

I can see though, even among my family, when I'm the Healer everyone is nice and loves me, when I'm the tank, any problem is a problem with my Tanking.  No wonder nobody does pugs.  I'm going to continue though.  The world needs my girl.

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...