Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you helped some goblins with their odd resort earlier, has expanded to encompass a new area.


Some foolish goblin has blown a hole in a wall leading to an exclusive goblin mining area.  Work your way in and try to find out what is going on.


Once you get a handle on things, take an area tour with Monte Gazlowe Bilgewater Trade Prince and Orweyna, a visionary who has seen some of what's going on here.  She's able to protect you in fights to shut down what turns out to be a huge black blood extractor.  So that's what the deal is that Gallywix has with Xal'atath. Mine huge amounts of black blood.  At least it makes sense, and she's not just lurking unpleasantly, as she does.

The deeper you go, the darker things get.


 Goblins are dying or going mad from contact with the black blood.  The operation can't stop for such small concerns, though, can it?

I ended today's play at a place in the Writhing Fields called Sanity's Rest, and there's much more to do in this area, before the tour moves on, I expect.

I like the story and how it ties in to what we already know from our adventures.  No plot holes yet :)

Fate of The Kirin Tor Quest

 I meant to explore Undermine last night, but once Atherne was up top in Dornogal (as opposed to buried in Ajz-Kahet slogging for the Vizier), I saw a new quest called Survivor's Guilt.  You only get this if you've done absolutely everything (Atherne is my only character who has).

Off to see Khadgar, who is apparently activated every 21 days (?) to give out this new quest line.  Why it's time gated that way is anyone's guess.

You meet Aethas Sunreaver at the ruins of Dalaran at the Tranquil Shore.  He's hugely depressed by the fate of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor, but wants to find a way to rebuild.  Khadgar couldn't make himself travel to the ruins, so it's up to you once again, hero. 

It's a good quest line. You go around collecting lost magical items that had been stored in Dalaran, and there's a  (torturous) sequence where you have to do row after row of one of those ley line puzzles (think that's what they're called) to defuse a bomb.  It makes great sense within the text of the quest, but boy, those puzzle make me nuts.

Dalaran, spoiler alert, begins again, but it will never be a repository of dangerous creatures or artifacts, and it will never float in the sky again.


 I personally like that it is being rebuilt. It has a flight point and mailbox, those foundational items that will surely be built upon going forward.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Fun Undermine Cinematic Until...

 The Creature pops in. Why ruin it?  


 That aside, these goblins are great.  I'm siding with the guy with the monocle.  Spouse watched the video and says the goblins remind him of Ferengi.  You know, they do!  

Kind of liked Gallywix, but also, his talk of deal making and some of his presentation remind me of He Who Shall Not be Acknowledged.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sign Of The Cat

 Did you know you can make changes to your Guild Tabard now, for a mere ten gold?  I wanted to change only the background from red to black, keeping the gold edges and the open book icon.  

The interface said I hadn't changed things enough, so I went for the Cat icon I like so much used for the Cataclysm guild and ta da.  The background doesn't quite look black so I will probably tweak it.  It is hard doing transmog in fun colors and shades because they usually clash with the red.   Black goes with everything.

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...