Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Atheren's January 2025 Goals and a Tiny Wrapup of 2024


Here we are, enjoying the fleeting moments of 2024 and waiting for the KABOOM of 2025. Let's note I started writing about World of Warcraft exclusively on this blog after the daily blogging run of Blaugust 2024 which I wrote all about on my Last Chapter Blog.

This blog will have a total of 18 posts for all of the year after I drop this hefty bomb of a post (being facetious as always).  My plan for 2025 is to return to my old blog post goal of 100 posts for the year.  A mere 2 posts a week will accomplish this lofty goal.  

I know from experience it's easier for me to meet post goals if I have some set topic or meme I can use as a framework.  I'm not sure of the form that might take.  I like the idea of writing up a mini-session review/recap after I play at night.  Dear Blog Diary, blah blah.  Pretty damn scintillating when you think of it.

I've been dividing my play time about half between the War Within and half the Anniversary Edition of Classic.  I must say the crowd starting out this time was a big warm snuggly group, some had played other versions of Classic, some no versions of Classic, some had not played the game at all in as much as twenty years.

I remember starting off in the original classic, and how my family all thought the game was really challenging to play, too hard to play was the unanimous judgement of the younger set who all bailed quickly.  The Older Smarter Tougher, by God, crowd of us just kept going until it didn't seem so tough.

This time around, I don't know if they softened the edges of things as they sneakily do, or if my time playing Classic and especially Hardcore Classic made it all seem simpler.  Same game, different rule set.

I'm playing this version as I did the Hardcore version, starting with a Paladin and a Priest as my main characters.  My Arms Warrior is catching up so she can get better armor for the Paladin.  My characters always have each other's backs.

Guild wise, I'm doing what I was doing on Pagle (Cataclysm Classic) and just letting my characters be in different guilds to see if one turns out to be really good.  I'm turning down invites for any guild whose name I wouldn't want to wear over my head, and man, there are some stinkers.  I'm also seeing guilds from Blacksail Buccaneers and Pagle advertising here.  Interesting.  Not going for any of those.

Now that my most of my characters who are the Lead Four on the campfire screen are all under the level of the War Within (they're in the Dragon Isles), they are not as fun to play, so time has shifted upwards to Atherne, so she could take a look at the 20th Anniversary Celebration in Tanaris (sorry not compelling), to the Siren Isle which has many interesting features.  Once I'd done most things and was not raising my Item Level significantly, I went back to slogging in Azj-Kahet for the Vizier.

Also, I find myself looking at the Traveler's Log for the first time because I wanted the Murloc Jammies.  Just squeaked getting them.

I am looking forward to The Undermines, after seeing a Wowcast on it.

Undermined Revealed | WoWCast

I'm no particular fan of Goblins, never having gotten out of the starter area with a character, but it looks like drag racing in the streets.  Too good.

Happy New Year, May the Force Be With Us All.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Ho Ho Hallowfall

 The Warcraftians are in a holiday mood.  I love this.  The Thrallmark channel!

Friday, December 6, 2024

War Within The Next Class(es)

My Holy Priest is finally level 80.  Slow slow going as her fights last forever.  On the plus side, she rarely dies, yay!  

I've changed my mind about the next set of characters to level.  Ever since I saw on Reddit one Day there's an achievement for getting one of each class to 80, it's been on my mind.  This next group are classes that need considerable leveling, and there's a Shaman somewhere below these.

Beast Master Hunter, Death Knight, Evoker, Demon Hunter

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...