Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Atheren's Gaming Goals June 2024


My goals are small.  Getting in any gaming time is rare.  I've adopted a puppy who is the sweetest pup ever, yet, she is capable of eating your chair while you sit in it, and if you are at the keyboard you can't catch other puppy behaviors fast enough.

The game I have been playing since I got her a month or so ago is Fallout Shelter.  I can play it on my ipad (s) (I have two), putzing with an older Vault and a new Vault.

I've watch the Fallout TV show six times now, and that you can get six of the characters from the show to live in your Vault is highly appealing.

I pulled out my totally not game friendly laptop last night and played a bit of Cataclysm Classic.  Except for getting pounded in Hyjal because I hadn't re-set my Talents, I had a nice time of it and no furniture was eaten.

It has always been my opinion that World of Warcraft has been popular for so many years because you could play it on anything you'd care to call a computer.  Cataclysm Classic looks great on my grubby little laptop.

Blah blah now, more pictures later.

Update…and I turn my chair around from writing that tiny bit and she’s peed on the floor behind my chair.  Eep.

Goblin Opportunity: To The Undermine

 Look no further for your next adventure than the Ringing Deeps.  It's my second favorite War Within area.  Opportunity Point, where you...