Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Back to Normal 6/20/22


Play life is back to normal now that the Joyous Journeys buff is done.  I can now focus on getting all my Crafters to max level in their crafts, and in leveling various lowbies who aren't working in bizarre and dangerous zones of the game.  Icecrown, good gawd.  Ahhh...relaxing.

I will still by habit sign up in Dungeon (Alleged) Finder when I log a character in. You never know what might pop up.

I did peek into Live and there's a 50% XP and Rep boost till July 11th if you have anyone you'd like to move forward.  

I briefly considered moving a Horde character ahead.  Yes, I now have a few Horde characters on Classic, and with the new character slots we've gotten, there is at least temporarily room for a few brooding, fantastical Halloween flavored characters to adventure in the unknown Horde world. (Shiver.)

Dreamboats of Azeroth!

 Whoever is doing the social media for World of Warcraft these days has a great sense of fun, and dare I say likely loves the game. Teen dre...